Encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for ALL players, coaches, and officials at every game.
Refrain from yelling instructions at my/our child during games. I/We will remember that this is their opportunity to enjoy playing in the game. Much of the fun is lost if parents/guardians are always yelling instructions. Continuous cheering is encouraged!
NEVER confront a coach or official at a game. I/We agree to have a discussion about the issue at an agreed upon place and time. I/We will let the situation calm down for 24 hours and if I/We feel that things still need to be discussed, then the coach will be contacted (24-hour rule).
Emphasize skill development, team dynamics and life lessons through baseball. I/We realize that this is a learning opportunity for my/our son/daughter to become a better person, not just a better ball player.
Player Code of Conduct I agree to:
Attend practices & games and notify a coach in advance if I am unable to.
Play by the rules and discuss any questions about the rules or gameplay strategies with my coach.
Control my temper on and off the field.
Never argue or complain about an umpire’s call or decision. It is the coaches job to talk to the umpire for clarification.
Practice good sportsmanship at all times by showing respect for ALL players, coaches, and officials.
Congratulate opponents in a courteous manner following a victory or defeat.
Be as good of a teammate as I can be. I will try and pick my teammates up when they are feeling down. I will never yell at or bully a teammate if he/she makes a mistake.
I will give my best effort - win or lose.
I understand that being a part of my team is a privilege, not a right. That privilege can be taken away if my attitude or behavior is detrimental to the team. Coaches/PYB will discuss problems with players and parents and expect a quick correction or the player will be released from the team. Everyone has a responsibility to represent Portage Youth Baseball in a positive manner.
Sanctions Policy
Categories of Sportsmanship Offenses for Coaches, Parents, Players, & Spectators
Types of Warnings, Penalties, & Durations
Communication & Decision Process Regarding Sanctions
Appeal Process Once Penalties Assessed
Training of Umpires Regarding Sportsmanship Rules & Penalties
1. Categories of Sportsmanship Offenses for Coaches, Parents, Players, & Spectators
Words/Gestures/Tone of Voice - Violations of Code of Conduct by Coaches, Parents, or Players include:
Angry tone of voice with elevated volume (as compared with frustrated tone which is not a violation). Note: This is clearly subjective and may require Rules Committee consultation.
Physical Contact with Other Players, Umpires, Parents, and/or Coaches
Spitting at
Bumping during heated argument
Rules of Play Violations (including extent of player participation)
See separate sets of rules of play for each age division
2. Types of Warnings, Penalties, & Durations
Warning for all types of offenses except physical contact:
Warning by umpire, if during game
Warning by Rules Committee Chair, if decided after game
No warning needed if violation involves physical contact or if offense is severe
If warnings are followed by further violations, range of penalties below applies
Request to leave the complex for physical contact and/or words/gestures/tone of voice offenses
To be used if umpire warning is followed by an additional violation during game
If a Coach, Player, or Spectator is ejected from a game, he/she is suspended for the team’s next contest and is not allowed at the park.
One (1) game suspension
To be decided by consultation within Rules Committee followed by final Board of Directors decision
Minor first (1st) offenses = one (1) game suspension
Two (2) game suspension
Next level of penalty for second (2nd) offenses after warnings and first (1st) offense penalties are applied
Severe first (1st) offenses = two (2) game suspension (e.g. physical contact as described above, unethical behavior as determined by Rules Committee based on rules violations for each age division.)
Remainder of Season Suspension or Permanent Suspension from PYB
Appropriate after all above penalties are applied and if another violation occurs
May also be applied in severe situations such as physical contact, gross misconduct, or disorderly conduct requiring police intervention
3. Communication & Decision Process Regarding Sanctions
Pre-Season Communication
Codes of Conduct are required to be signed by all players and parents during registration
Distribution to all coaches and discussed at Coaches Meeting prior to the start of the season
Notification Methods for Reporting of Violations
Direct observation by Board member
Calls/messages/in-person reports from Coaches, Parents, Players, or Spectators
In-Season Decisions
Quick consultation process by Rules Committee when offenses occur
Initial calls from the field when alleged offenses occur: contact President & Vice President
One board member “on-call” every night of season to consult with Rules Committee Chair regarding offenses when they occur
If Rules Committee Chair/On-Call Board Member have questions about decision, send email to all Rules Committee members asking for input within twenty-four (24) hours, two (2) responses required to serve as adequate input
Rules Committee Chair calls Board members with decision for approval
After a warning is issued or after a game suspension when a coach/player/parent/spectator returns to the field, one Board member will be present for a minimum of one (1) game to observe the coach/player/parent/spectator in action.
Communication Regarding Offenses & Sanctions by Rules Committee
Email first to all alleged violators from Rules Committee Chair (message can be drafted by any RC member)
E-messages will include a request to discuss violation by phone call within twenty-four (24) hours as an attempt to understand the situation and hopefully reach a solution involving a lower-level sanction. (Phone calls can be made by any Rules Committee member appointed by the Rules Committee Chair who will then send an email summarizing conversation to the rest of the Rules Committee).
Final sanction decisions will be sent to violators via email with an offer to discuss by phone if desired.
Rules Committee will establish a log of offenses, maintained by the Rules Committee Chair, that will track warnings & sanctions issued to enable accurate assessment of additional sanctions when necessary.
4. Appeal Process Once Penalties Assessed
Written appeal to Board of Directors
At Board of Directors’ discretion, an in-person appeal to the Board of Directors for certain more serious offenses. However, penalties may be served prior to the resolution of the appeal.
Decision Time Frames
One (1) Week: if offenses happen during season prior to tournament start
One (1) Day: if offenses happen during tournament
One (1) month: if offenses happen in last game of tournament or for any reason goes undecided before end of season
5. Training of Umpires Regarding Sportsmanship Rules & Penalties
Instruct umpires to go over key sportsmanship guidelines with coaches & players before each game.
Also instruct umpires to explain key rules and their own style of umpiring to both teams’ players and coaches before each game.
Rules Committee Chair will ensure that umpire training includes a review of all Codes of Conduct and of this Sanctions Policy.
Rules Committee members attending any game may approach umpires for that game to remind them of Codes of Conduct and Sanctions Policy as appropriate.
Umpires will be instructed to report sportsmanship violations to their supervisor within twenty-four (24) hours of occurrence who in turn will be instructed to report them to the Rules Committee Chair within twenty-four (24) hours of notification.
All PYB policies are subject to change without notice.